In September 2019 we launched our new ambitious foundation subject curriculum which aims to develop children’s knowledge and skills in a progressive way. This is regularly reviewed and updated to ensure it is relevant to the children in our setting.
As a maintained school we follow the 2014 National Curriculum but this has been adapted to meet the needs of our learners. A copy of the 2014 National Curriculum can be viewed here.
It is very important to us that parents are fully aware of what their child is learning. Each term we produce a curriculum newsletters which outlines the knowledge children will retain and the skills they will develop in each subject.
Market Rasen C of E Primary Curriculum Newsletters
Nettleton Community Primary Curriculum Newsletters
2 Year Cycle
As our classes are mixed age we have a two year cycle for learning. The content for each year group and year (A or B) can be found in the curriculum maps in this section of the website.
2024/25 Year B
2025/26 Year A
Subjects That We Teach
Each subject has a subject leader who is responsible for curriculum design, standards and promotion of their subjects. Subject leaders work across both of our sites to share expertise and enhance capacity. At the North Wolds Federation children are taught the following subjects.
Subject Status | Subject | Subject Leader |
Core | English (Including reading, handwriting, spelling, punctuation and grammar . | Nichola Allerston (Market Rasen Site) |
Core | English (Phonics) | Sam Briston (Market Rasen Site) |
Core | English (Writing) | Ben Kennedy (Market Rasen Site) |
Core | Mathematics | Angela Parry (Nettleton Site) |
Core | Science | Michael Mullen (Market Rasen Site) |
Foudation | Art and Design | Nichola Allerston (Market Rasen Site) |
Foundation | Computing (Including e-safety) | Beth Marshall (Market Rasen Site) |
Foundation | Design and Technology | Caroline Matthews (Market Rasen Site) |
Foundation | Geography | Dena Jones (Nettleton Site) |
Foundation | History | Molly Entwistle) (Market Rasen Site) |
Foundation | Languages (French KS2 Only) | Danielle Callis (Market Rasen Site) |
Foundation | Music | Lisa Crawford (Nettleton Site) |
Foundation | Physical Education (Inc Swimming) | Daniel Toothill (Federation) |
Foundation | Personal, Social and Health Education (Including Sex and Relationship Education) | Sam Watson (Nettleton Site) |
Foundation | Religious Education | Sue Thompson (Market Rasen Site) |
This document shows our overall theme and subject maps for our two year cycle in Key Stages One and Two. For the 2024/25 academic year we are on Year B of the cycle.
We have designed our curriculum to go beyond the expectations of the 2014 National Curriculum. We has worked hard to ensure that it meets the needs of these learners in this community. Throughout our curriculum we have a golden thread of school values, British values and context specific intent woven through our teaching and learning. This integral to the overall curriculum.
British Values
School Values
To ensure progression, each subject has a progression document which outlines which skills, knowledge and volcabulary are taught and when. An example of a progression document can be found here.
Knowledge, Skill and Vocabulary Progression Document
This curriculum is divided into six areas of learning which are:
Years One and Two are known as Key Stage One. Years Three, Four, Five and Six are known as Key Stage Two. In Key Stages One and Two we deliver the core and foundation subjects of the 2014 National Curriculum.
Core Subjects
The core subjects of the 2014 National Curriculum are English, Mathematics and Science.
English Phonics
We aim to create a love for Reading, Writing and Spelling through the consistent approach of Phonics teaching. We want every child to leave our school fluent readers and writers. Therefore, we teach reading through Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised, which is a systematic and synthetic phonics programme.
We use phonics as the prime teaching and learning approach to early reading and writing skills in Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage One and where needed we continue the teaching of Phonics into Key Stage Two.
We start teaching phonics in Reception and follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised progression, which ensures children build on their growing knowledge of the alphabetic code, mastering phonics to read and spell as they move through school.
Our phonics teaching is supplemented by reading practice sessions from the Little Wandle scheme. This helps promote fluency and comprehension skills to coincide with their secure Phonics knowledge. This is followed by daily guided reading lessons in Year Two. Information about these lessons can be found in th reading section of this page.
Children are given carefully chosen, fully decodable phonic appropriate books to allow them to apply their new phonological knowledge at home in their reading.
English Reading
English Spelling
Children in Years One to Six follow the Read, Write Inc spelling scheme.
Our spelling intent statement , including the links to the Market Rasen Church School Vision,can be found here.
This is our Federation spelling curriculum map.
English Writing
Children in Years One to Six are taught the writing skills of composition, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.
Our Writing intent statement, including the links to the Market Rasen Church School Vision, can be found here.
This is our Federation writing curriculum map.
English Handwriting
Children in Years One to Six are taught the handwriting through the Cambridge University Press PenPals scheme of work.
Our Handwriting intent statement, including the links to the Market Rasen Church School Vision, can be found here.
This is our Federation Handwriting curriculum map.
English Grammar, Vocabulary and Punctuation.
Children in Years One to Six are taught grammar, vocabulary and punctuation.
Our GVP intent statement, including the links to the Market Rasen Church School Vision, can be found here.
This is our Federation GVP curriculum map.
The mathematics curriculum is carefully sequenced to ensure all of the following areas are covered in a progressive and coherent way.
Our Mathematics intent statement, including the links to the Market Rasen Church School Vision, can be found here.
This is our Federation Mathematics Curriculum Map for Years 1 & 2
This is our Federation Mathematics Curriculum Map for Years 3 & 4
This is our Federation Mathematics Curriculum Map for Years 5 & 6
Science is taught weekly from Years One to Six.
Our Science intent statement, including the links to the Market Rasen Church School Vision, can be found here.
This is our Federation Science curriculum map.
Art and Design
Our Art and Design intent statement, including the links to the Market Rasen Church School Vision, can be found here.
This is our Federation Art and Design curriculum map.
We use a scheme from the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) to deliver high quality computing lessons.
Our Computing intent statement, including the links to the Market Rasen Church School Vision, can be found here.
This is our Federation Computing curriculum map.
We have a comprehensive scheme of work for E-Safety that can be found here.
Design and Technology
Our Design and Technology intent statement, including the links to the Market Rasen Church School Vision, can be found here.
This is our Federation Design and Technology curriculum map.
Our Geography intent statement, including the links to the Market Rasen Church School Vision, can be found here.
This is our Federation Geography curriculum map.
Our History intent statement, including the links to the Market Rasen Church School Vision, can be found here.
This is our Federation History curriculum map.
Our Languages intent statement, including the links to the Market Rasen Church School Vision, can be found here.
This is our Federation Languages curriculum map
We use the award winning Charanga music scheme as recommended by LCC Music Service.
Our Music intent statement, including the links to the Market Rasen Church School Vision, can be found here.
This is our Federation Music curriculum map.
Personal, Social and Health Education including Sex and Relationships Education
We use the Jigsaw PSHE and RSE Scheme however this is supplemented due to our context specific intent.
Our PSHE and SRE intent statement, including the links to the Market Rasen Church School Vision, can be found here.
This is our Federation PSHE and SRE curriculum map.
Within PSHE we teach children about the Protected Characteristics within 2010 Equalities Act. This document outlines how and when we teach these.
Our teaching of S.R.E is fully compliant. This document outlines how we cover all aspects of S.R.E
Physical Education
Our P.E intent statement, including the links to the Market Rasen Church School Vision, Can be found here.
This is our Federation P.E curriculum map.Religious Education
We follow the Lincolnshire Locally Agreed Syllabus however this is supplemented with additional units.
Our R.E intent statement, including the links to the Market Rasen Church School Vision, can be found here.
This is our Federation R.E curriculum map.
SMSC is carefully planned across the currciulum and developed thorugh the wider curriulum and thought the many roles and responsiblities our children enjoy. The following document outlines all of the opportunities for SMSC and PD.
SMSC and PD at the North Wolds Federation
To develop children’s knowledge and understanding of the world and to help them keep up to date with important, age appropriate, world events the children watch Newsround regularly. After they have watched BBC Newsround the teacher will go through some of the new vocabulary that might have come up in that episode. Children or teachers will locate where things are happening on the world maps that are in every classroom to develop geographical place awareness. This supports our context specific intent of tolerance and diversity. To see what our children watch visit BBC Newsround.
Active Mile
To improve physical and mental health benefits our children have the opportunity to run for ten minutes a few times a week. Over the year this provides children with many extra hours of aerobic exercise in addition to their twice weekly PE or swimming lesson. This supports our context specific intent of health.
Cooking in the Curriculum
Each term every child in the school learns to cook something that links with one of their foundation subjects. This supports our context specific intent of health.
This is our Federation Cooking in the curriculum map.